I can’t remember a time I wasn’t painting and drawing having being encouraged from a young age by my grandmother. My “Nan” being an accomplished painter in oils in her own right. I studies “GCSE” and “A” level Art classes before deciding to follow a scientific career at university level, following my other love – geology. During this time I developed a love for caving being a member of the University of Glamorgan Caving Club.

After University, I joined the Morgannwg Caving Club based in Cardiff and with them explored a large number of caves including Ogof Draenen which the club was involved in discovering and exploring. It was during this time that I once again found time for art and my interest in cave art was kindled. But it’s not just the art. ‘Caves are very special, and I try to get involved in their study and conservation as much as I can. They are such beautiful, fragile places, and some of the challenges you have to face teach you to be strong and carry on, even though you may be afraid or excruciatingly tired. It’s always worth the effort.’

I love to paint caves and landscapes but perhaps because of my background in geology, I am fascinated by the exquisite details in the natural world and enjoy trying to capture this in my work.

Im a Fellow of the Linnean Society ( www.linnean.org )and a Chartered Fellow of the Geological Society of London ( www.geolsoc.org.uk), a member of the Paleontological Association ( www.palass.org ) a committee member and webdesigner for the South Wales Geologists Association (www.swga.org.uk) and a member of the Cardiff Naturalist Society ( www.cardiffnaturalists.org.uk).

Many of these illustrations on this site and others are available as originals, prints or by licence. Commissions are also welcome. Work is regularly exhibited with The International Society of Spelaeological Artists (ISSA). Please email for more information.